As an expert in prenatal, birth & early childhood memories,

I help parents out of fear, self-doubt and frustration towards happy and relaxed families without ballast.


Binding analysis according to Raffai & Hidas

Attachment from the beginning does not mean that it only begins after birth, but already during pregnancy. ➡️ The unborn experiences itself through the bonding analysis from the beginning. ➡️A “safe psychological space” is created. … Previous experience shows the positive effects on baby and mother: ➕Less stress during birth for both➕ Lower caesarean and premature birth ➕rates Very rare occurrence of maternal postpartum depression … You want to know more?➡️


1 to 1 coaching for parents

You want to get to know yourself better. Recognizing and solving your patterns from the past so that you can accompany your child without fear, self-doubt, frustration, beliefs, etc.


Online course - In 3 steps to your emotions

You want to engage more with your emotions and needs. Are you fed up with someone constantly overstepping your boundaries or feeling overwhelmed by feelings/emotions? Then read on here…